2021-04-kagoshima | NORI-FIX diary




4/27 Flew back to Kobe. Train to Wakayama port, then ferry home. I dropped my camera on the way but some kind person found it and keep it in the station 15:35

4/25 Biked over a mountain to Dynamic Lab in Minami-satsuma City. Met Tender. I asked him many questions and got clear answeres to many of those. non-electric, systems-thinking, nvc, I have to write about this separately. 15:33


Father took me to onsen. 16:02

Afternoon. Continue cleaning up kitchen. 16:02

Ate sandwich at cafe in the train station. 16:01

Went by the tram to Kagoshima-chuo to buy kizami. Then I went to ishin-museum. 16:01


父は動画編集用にデスクトップPCを組んでいた。 15:14

昨夜父が話していた大和三算(切算、裏算、重算)について、あやしいYoutuberの情報しか出てこないが、ちゃんとした情報を見てみたい。 15:13

Installed mpg123 on raspi to make it stream internet radio. 15:12

壊れた目ざまし時計から採ったタクトスイッチをraspberry piのRUNにはんだづけして、ソフトリセットスイッチにした。Sigmarionとシリアル通信中、ハングしてどうしようもなくなる時があり、電源を抜くとSDのデータとOSが壊れる可能性がある悩みが一応解決。SunDiskの産業用microSDも注文した。 15:10

夕飯(blackcoff=父): かぼちゃ、しいたけ、豚肉の煮物, 味噌汁, 米飯.  味付けを習った。しょうゆ、みりん、半量の酒、砂糖大匙1足らず 15:05

昼飯のお米を炊こうと思ったら、台所があまりにも汚すぎたので、お米を炊きながら掃除を開始。父がキャベツと豚肉いためと味噌汁をつくって、昼飯。その後掃除の続き。ゴミと古い液体類を処分していった。ごみためになっていた一角は終わった。 15:01

買い物中、やむをえない場合を除き、プラスチック包装されていないものを選んで買ったら、いいものが集まった。封筒、歯ブラシ、油揚げ、ふきん、裁縫糸は、プラスチック包装されたものしか置いていなかった。 14:58

Went to Taiyo super market and bought pairs of apples, tomatoes, and potatoes, a cabbage, an onion, 油揚げ, block bacon, ハヤシライスのもと, 2 small cans of beer. JPY1355. 14:56

Went to Nafco and bought slippers and socks. 14:53

Went to off-house/hard-off. So many good stuff. I found male usb-mini-A to usb socket cable. This is supposed to be extremely rare and exactly what I needed to use the usb-host on Sigmarion III. I also bought a small passive coca-cola speaker, and a ladies indigo shirt. 14:52

BOUGHT: toothbrush with platinum lining, thin polyester apron, a pair of rubber grip gloves, thin cotton 手拭い, 亀の子たわし, small can of anti-rust yellow paint, small glass bottle of paint thinner, paint brush, thick envelopes, kitchen towel, sawing string (poly-ester oh-no. I wanted cotton.), too small thin rubber gloves. JPY3114. 14:47

HANDSMANに行った。ガラスの天井の巨大な空間に木や植物が植わっていて、まるで植物園のよう。品数もものすごい。こんなホームセンターははじめて見た。 Went to DIY shop HANDSMAN. Huge space inside has a glass ceiling and the space is covered with vegetation. Wow! 14:37

朝、おばあちゃんとしゃべった。みのりちゃんのことを覚えていて、涙をにじませて喜んでくれた。 Spoke to grandma. She asked who I am many times throughout the day but each time she did remember me and seemed glad seeing me. 14:31


Spoke to おばあちゃん. She does not recognize me. 15:25

Sakurajima ferry to Kagoshima-city. Train. Father came to pick me up. おじさんcame and us 3 went out for dinner. 15:20

Took bus to Sakurajima-port. Got off on the way to take a look around. Talked to a local おじいちゃん. Took photos of 小学校. Washed my hair with sea water. 15:16

ate at とんぼラーメン 15:11

Arrived in Shibushi port. Connected raspi to public wifi and got info about transportation around Kagoshima. Took the bus to Tarumizu port. JPY 1280 15:11

Ferry one-way JPY 8,660. Round-trip 10,000 15:10

Slept in the ferry and had a strange dream. Woke up and took a bath. 15:08


house-(bus)->tokushima-(bus)->osaka-(train)->port town-(ferry)-> 17:52


Installed shortblog to raspberry pi. This post is written on sig3 and sent via ttyUSB through raspi. 17:36

Succeed in setting up Sigmarion III <---> Raspberry PI <---> Internet! It lets travel much lighter :) 17:34