2021-09 | NORIFIX diary




TODO: 作戦会議 21:53

BOOK: 『飛ぶ力学 Dynamics of Flying』 『陸軍カ号観測機』 21:52

Sunny. 自転車で登校。台風が近づいてるらしい。超音波探傷 Ultrasonic Testing 4日目。講師の先生はしゃべりがひょうきんで、ホワイトボードにサラサラっと書く図がわかりやすい。しかし材料検査室には鉄を引き千切る機械とか、教員の事務スペースなどがあって、残ったところに机と椅子を並べているものだから狭くて、半日座っているとエコノミー症候群になりそう。帰り道、チャボ小屋の屋根取付用のナットとボルトを購入。その後くまごろうへ。植え込みの裏のベンチに座って田んぼを吹き抜ける風に当たりながら『飛ぶ力学』を読む。空は灰青色に黒い綿雲がボンボン浮かんでいるが光は金色。とても静か。 21:51

9/26 地区運動会。その後川へ。長+織一家とソハムたちと筏に乗ったり、昼ごはんを食べたりハヤを釣ったり、少年が突いたウグイをもらったり、唐揚げにしたり、焼いたり、食べたりした。 21:41


Found a nice park a few kilometers north east from the house. It had a huge spider-web jungle gym and slides coming off the top of it. Sea mastered climbing it and had fun sliding off the roller slide many times. 19:33

9/23 Changed the tubular tyres on La Scorsa both the front and the rear. The tyres I bought are soyo spurt racing. Front tyre is saved for the spare. 19:26


9/24 Mika w/ Kaede came to visit. 19:22

SCRIPT: convert -crop 1910x2800 -rotate 90 foo.jpg foo1.jpg 23:06

SCRIPT: scanimage --format=jpg --mode Color --depth 16 --resolution 300 > foo.jpg 23:05

Bought a reused scanner for 500 yen at hard-off. Scanned some sketches as a test. 19:22



I want to use the time after dinner more wisely. 22:40

Found the '.pls' for BBC World Service radio. 22:39

溶接科の同期生と話した。インドでパソコンのバッテリーを探す旅に出た話、日本語を喋れる詐欺師と友達になった話、トルクメニスタンにトランジットビザで入国して無断でHell's Gatewo見に行って砂漠で一泊してヒッチハイクで国境にたどり着いた話などを聞いた。 Spoke w/ the other student at polytech. He told me of his trip to India and how he made friends with the Japanese-speaking scam artist. Also his trip to Turkmenistan where there are surveilance camera everywhere. 19:21



Met gaku and fufu at the concert. Gaku said we can come anytime. 21:14

巨大なシステムの中で OKIインタビュー : CINRA.NET 21:14

僕はここ数年どんどん現代社会アレルギーが悪化していたんだけど、9月に入ってからMAOIとかセントジョーンズワートとかの抗うつ作用のある薬やハーブを摂って、深く考えないようにして楽になりかけていた。帰ってきてOKIの過去のインタビュー記事を読んだら、巨大なシステムが恐怖に屈する薬を飲みなさいと迫ってくるってことを言っていて、ドキッとしている。 21:14

OKIのコンサートに行った。アイヌの楽器トンコリとアイヌ語の歌。カラスの言葉がわかるアイヌのおじいさんの話とか、アイヌの土地が収奪され迫害を受け続けてよく生き延びたって話とか、少ない言葉でさらっと言うことがいちいちグッと来た。音楽最高だった。沈みそうな船の歌が特に良かった。 21:14

Played in the school ground w/ sea and sky in the morning. We played throwing and catching the flying disk aerobee. 20:59


経済成長に、技術力とかは相関性がなくて、唯一相関性があるのはどれだけ金融緩和しているか、お金を刷っているか。という話を聞いた。 23:35

Watched CBS news stream and I was convinced the US is at a big ugly war. 23:32

Cloudy. 7:30 Biked to the dentist to dig+fill the hole in the lower left teeth. Met Kenta on the way back. The rear tubular tire punctured. In the afternoon I started making the bird house for chabo hens. I need to get some metal mesh and more planks of wood. Where is my camera? 23:31

9/16 Rainy. Called Rina at night. 23:25

9/15 2 big boxes arrive from Urawa full of albums and other stuff from childhood. 23:24





TODO: Search how to construct an solid state SPDT switch to replace a relay. ----> H-bridge 21:32

栗を毎日食べている。 21:29


PROJECT: Make 鶏小屋 22:00


S scored many 鮎. She went to the river w/ kids and met men fishing with a big net. She went to them and asked what they are catching and they gave her the ayu fish. I cooked the fish on fire outside. 21:55

MUSIC: Rastafari Elders. Listening almost everyday since last week. 21:52

RECIPE: Synchro Bible -- Cut aloe leaves. Chop them. Dip in water for more than 5 hours. Add salt to the water when drinking. Drink a few times per day. 21:49

9/13 Sunny. Biked on La Scorsa to polytech. It took 55 mins. 15 minutes shorter than on the fuji ballrad R. Gas cutting and drilling holes. On the way home I stopped by the botanical shop that opened last year and bought aloe vera. Last friday I burrowed 'Synchro Vibes' from the library. The book tells about a man's visit to the herbal doctor in Kingston Jamaica. The doctor recommends everyone to take the 'synchro bible' (i.e. aloe) everyday to re-activate the lymphatic system. 21:47


9/12 night. Rode the red La Scorsa vintage road bike I bought in Kagoshima. I used 西濃運輸's bicycle transport service to truck it over here from Kagoshima. I asked my father to pack it. It's really really fast and I was laughing all the way. 21:32


Sunny. Cleaned up the house. the neighbor chiyoko wants to get rid of the big dresser and asked if we want it. I said yes as always and chiyoko, S, and I dragged it outside. Afternoon, soyo and emma came w/ their kids. We asked emma for help. I drove the car near the dresser and we pushed it in the back of the van. It was sticking out the back a little so S and emma pushed while I drove it to our house. Kids play, mothers talk. Evening tsuru came to pick up piyo. She helped us carry the dresser into the house and into the bedroom. We went out to take a look at the sofa in the recycle shop but it closed. We bought 中華丼、マーボー豆腐丼、天津飯、餃子、and 中華スープ for dinner at 華扇. 21:06


BOOK: 『まゆとおに』とても懐かしい。おにぎりが美味しそう。 22:54

BOOK: 黒いマントのおじさん,ガオ,ガラシとクルピラ,まゆとおに 22:54

Sunny. I had a day off. Sea and Sky ate a lot of kuri probably 15 each. Sky went to school in the morning. Sea and I stayed home. 2 boxes arrive from Urawa where my sista and mother is clearing the house because the house has to be sold. Inside the box we got many picturebooks, dominos, juggling props, maze and comic I drew when I was little, photos and albums, kids cloths, and my vintage electronic junk. We had fun digging in the box and we went outside and sea practiced riding her red bicycle. Then we came home and read some picturebooks. I cooked soba for lunch. After lunch sky came home and ate another 15+ kuri. I biked with kids on the trailer to the historic park. On the way I bought 5 packets of big kuri. Each packet contains 7-8 kuris and priced JPY 100. Kids had fun climbing and jumping off of the big rock. Sky and I ran to compete 5+ times and sky got so tired she said she feels sick. We headed home and stopped by the river and swam for a while before coming home and taking bath. Then I started the fire in the outside stove and cooked rice, kuri, and nimono w/ kabocha, nasu, konbu, and minced pork. S came home and we ate the meal. Sea was so tired she went to sleep by herself after I brushed her teeth. 22:51


Fixing the flat tyre on S's bike. I can't find the patch so I cut a small patch out of old tube. Hopefully it sticks. 21:41

9/8 Rainy. Gas cutting practice continues. I got more familier with making the fire by adjusting the amount of acetylene and oxygen. I'm not afraid of lighting anymore. It's stillvery thrilling to melt-cut. 21:40

9/7 Sunny. ガスカットの練習.アセチレンに10倍の圧力の酸素を混ぜて鉄板やアングル材を溶断する。写真のノズル、一番手前がアセチレンのノブ、親指あたりが酸素、上が高圧酸素。最初は点火が怖い。火花も盛大に散る。ノズルの先端が部材に接触すると、パーンと破裂音がするのでびっくりする。 21:35

9/6 First encounter with gas cutting torch. 21:25



Went toonsen in the evening and met kanon dad. He bought me a can of coca-cola. 22:14

9/4 Cloudy. Adopt 北岸. Picked up many trash along the road. talked to nmz, nkli, fjmt couple, ksnk, tthm, etc. 22:13

9/3 Sea's birthday. 22:09




Bought a rain jacket + pants at a recycle shop. I also bought a tumbler with rapunzel printed on its side for sea. Bought a cotton jacket for welding at WORKMAN. 22:38

9/2 Rainy. Training starts. Drew product blueprint (on white paper though) with pencil, eraser, compass, and ruler. I asked the teacher if there's a quicker way to draw parallel lines and he told us a cheat. 22:35

9/1 消防団。Fire extinguishing simulation was cancelled and we just drove the firetruck around the villege to promote fire safety. K, K, O 22:29

9/1 Sunny. First day at polytech. I had to sit in a white conference room facing front for hours and fill in papers after papers. In the morning the road is much more conjested than I'm used to. Going by bike everyday may be stressful. 22:26

8/31 Sunny. Elliot and Mayu showed up. We talked, juggled, and talked. Elliot is very bright and opened many drawers of my mind/life. I so want to go touring across countries with family on bikes. I want to try slacklining. Saba barazushi Satoco cooked was delicious. 22:22