2021-11 | NORIFIX diary



裏山の野原の裏を、荒廃した遍路道が通っているのを発見した。整備したい。 18:55

里芋を植えた。チャボの遊び場を作った。 18:52

11/27 Birth Cafe @ 大福家. 6人の子供の父親で、19歳の時友人を自死と交通事故で相次いで失ったのをきっかけに活動を始めた伝道詩人の人が、世界平和のためにはお母さんの幸せが一番大事だと気づいてはじめたBirth Cafe. 出産環境、生育環境、胎内記憶などについて。孫になる卵子は祖母のおなかのなかで作られるから、妊娠中のストレスは孫の代まで影響する。戦後の政策(病院出産、母子分離、核家族化)は家族や集落を分断する意図のもと行われてきた。分断に抗う選択をすること。親の世代が一番分断の影響を被っている。 など。 夕食もご馳走になる。大福の焼くお好み焼きが美味しすぎた。キャベツ、白菜、人参葉、大根葉、細く刻み、種は一枚ごとにお椀で混ぜる。粉は少し。フライパンで焼く。 18:52

11/26 ポリテク溶接科6月生修了。9月生は就活セミナー。太陽光パネルの青色はカドミウム。産廃の不適切な処理が跡を絶たない。熱海の盛り土など。2024年頃から10年間の固定買い取りが終わった分の廃棄が始まり問題になるのではないか。パネルの耐用年数は20年。産廃処理に補助金が出ない国は珍しい。企業の収益が化学や倫理より優先される構造。日本は法学部卒が政治家になる。韓国などは理系学部卒が政治家になる。政治家の顔が違う。その後、6月生3人とうどんを食べに行った。 帰り、再度森に寄る。留守であった。 18:40

11/25 小雨。カブでポリテクへ。相場師から電子基盤から鉛と石灰を使って純度95%程度の金を回収する方法を教えてもらう。釣り好きのおじさんにはハゼ釣りの仕掛けの作り方。枝スの出し方、電車結びを教えてもらった。帰りがけ、里山大地に寄るが、留守だったので溶接を置いてきた。帰るとつるちゃんとやすこちゃんが遊びに来ていた。 18:33


歴史公園に電話するとやはり水筒を落としていた。保管してくれているとのこと。取りに行かなくちゃ。 05:20

mozc-mode 05:19

夜寝て、最初に目が冷めたときに起きて良い。それが何時であろうと。2度寝ると悪夢を見る。寝る前にコーヒーを飲むと早く目が覚めすぎる。お酒を飲むとちょうどよい。CBDを摂ると目が覚めなくなる。シラフがベスト。 05:11

11/21 Took kids to the park in front of a mountain (that's the name of the park). Thay played and played. Sky climed to the top of the multi-level slide with my assist but she couldn't make up her mind to slide for a long time. There was a boy at the top of the slide who also was hesitating to slide. His mom yelling the boy. He gives up and climed down the ladder and his mom was furious. He walked away in tears and sat by the flowers. I sat near him with Sky and spoke a few words to him to comfort him. Sea took us to the bridge on the pond where there are many kois. Sky and I went back to make sure the boy was OK. Sky followed soon after and Sea and Sky started playing in the sand pit. He was in the sand pit w/ his mon and lil sista. His mom still murmuring to him. At one point the boy started crying so I jumped in to the sand pit and sat by Sea and Sky where it was also near them. I did not say anything. I just listened and tried to make them notice I was listening. The mother kept askng the boy why he didn't slide. The boy told the mother he was feeling cold and the mother said she told him to wear a jacket. Then they left. The boy helped the mother pick up the shovels and buckets. They washed hands and the mother handed the boy a hand towel then a bottle of tea. They walked away. Sea met her friend from kindergarden at last and she seemed so happy. 05:03

11/20 At lunchtime I was talking to the guy. He comes to polytech on his ordinary bicycle. He told me he owns a car that's 25 years old. The girl came and spoke to us for a short while. S came with kids to pick me up at polytech. 04:46

11/19 Polytech welding. I met with a employment counseller about a job at a welding factory. I told her to give me until Monday to decide if she calls the factory. At lunch I ate by the river near the sea as always. A girl came and spoke to me about fishing. Then the guy I met yesterday came and we talked. S came to pick me up at our liquor. 04:43

11/18 At polytech I spoke to the InI who used to be the owner of a naturlist food shop. InI told InI he lives near the zoo and cycles 30+ mins to school. 04:31

11/17 High school friend Ar messaged. I and I asked if I and I can call I and I and I and I called I and I for the first time in ages. I and I talked for about 10 minutes about the past and the current. I and I told I and I that I and I was the smartest I and I ever met. I and I remember I and I promised to be siblings in a super market (safeway?) 10 years ago. 04:27


ステンレス突き合わせ3mm裏波開先なし。縁と裏をよく磨く。シャー断面の丸側が表、バリが裏。高めの85A程度の電流。角の時は52Aなので、同じ板厚でも継ぎ手形状によって随分適正電流が違うもんだ。 20:55


喉が腫れたのでポリテクを休んだ。海と天も休み。午前中、子どもたちを見ながら薪づくり。その後、冬イチゴ摘み。午後、熱が上がってきたので寝込む。 21:52


The black chick keeps crying so I took it inside for the night. Inside, it stopped crying. 22:24


昨日は朝から頭の中で緊急事態の警報が鳴っていたのに、最後までなにかわからないまま寝てしまった。雛ごめん。 06:34

昨日の夕方、雛が一羽眠そうにしていて、弱っていそうだった。今朝見ると亡くなっていた。保護すべきだった。 06:24

BOOK: 『ライト・フライヤー号の謎』 05:53

IDEA: 風を受けて進む自転車。風に向かって進む自転車 05:48

11/7 朝4時半から消防訓練。その後、チャボ小屋の補強。途中、道の向こうの畑に皆で行って、麦を蒔いた。昼過ぎに鳥かごが完成して、チャボを入れる。小屋の完成には日暮れまでかかった。 05:47

11/6 美郷に行って、チャボを4羽(雄鶏1羽、雌鳥1羽、雛2羽)いただいた。広い敷地で七面鳥、鶏、チャボ、犬、猫、人がのびのびと暮らしていた。 05:44

11/5 raku-on 06:01



11/1 Sunny. I woke up at 4. Cooked breakfast on the wood burning stove. I ate 2 pieces of walnut bread, a piece of apple pie, white + brown mix rice, and a bowl of misoshiru. Cycled to polytech. At lunchtime, I tried to catch chinu w/ a harpoon 銛 but the fish didn't come near. Couple of vietnamese guys came to check out the fish in the water. I also found a student fishing in the bush. TIG welding 2mm stainless steel. 06:23

10/31 Went to adopt w/ sea and sky and picked up trash on the road. We played outside afterward. S baked an apple pie for my birthday while we were away. I felt exhausted and had to come home to lay down. Sky was crying downstairs because she wants to eat the pie. I waited until she slept. Three of us who don't cry ate the pie. Sky can eat it later. S drove us to Jurobe Yashiki for Ningyo Joruri モチモチの木. We met daifuku, manami, and akari. 06:18

10/30 Sea went to TOEC. The rest of us went to the harbour and ate fish tempura. Then we fished and caught baby red snappers. THe old fisherman we met told us baby snappers are called "charinko". 06:18