2021-12 | NORIFIX diary





12/31 Stomach on strike. Issei family came and we made year-passing soba and ate togather. 21:57


12/30 Stomach liquidated. Sea and I went to Issei's house. At night I watched a TV coverage about Sho-kai-seki. 21:57

12/29 Felt sick in my stomach all day. 21:56

12/28 I caught cold but went to the polytech anyway. At night my body temperature started to free fall and I feared I might freeze to death. However with helps of hot water tank and a sleeping bag the temperature climebed back up. 21:55

12/27 Called the landlord and asked if he knows where I can bring koya-maki cuttings for money. He told meto try bringing a few samples to Saito-hana-ten near kura-zushi. 21:53

12/26 Trimmed trees on the neighbour chiyoko's garden. She helped me fell a tree by holding on to a rope. TODO: Trim the tall koya-maki tree. 21:51




LINK: 面白いブログ https://blog.goo.ne.jp/kosakuzissyusei 21:56

So I'm puuting hakusai on mai shoulder 20:57

Tadokoro-san told me any leaf can do the job of a shippu 20:56

Left shoulder is in strong pain. Shall I take an X-ray??? 20:55

12/17 Rina sent us presents Santa left in her house. 20:54

12/18 Boiled hot water in a hagama pot on the stove. Pourd the hot water into a baby bathtub and we took a foot bath. 20:53

12/19 Went to the forest in the mountain w/ issei. Sea came w/ us. We met mori-no-ojiisan. Sea seemed to have spent a nice time. 20:51

12/18 I promisedthe neighbor grandma to trim the trees in her garden. 20:49

12/18, 19 Trim + cut the trees on the boundary that were blocking the sunlight in the morning hours. 20:48



PROJECT: generative song based on world news 20:11

DECISION: Buy bread in bakery. Bring coffee from home. Avoid convinience store. 20:01

PROJECT: (cont.) EDLC assist bike 19:54

TODO: fix Jizo sampler 19:54

TODO: checkout kenta amp 19:53

PROJECT: Aerodynamic fairing + duct 19:53

PROJECT: Solar stirling engine + hot water supply 19:52

Moved the large low table out of the central room. This way, sea and sky can play + dance 05:32


Didn't go to polytech. Went to komiko w/ sea and sky. S to glass bead class. 21:45


12/13 Biked to polytech. 板金箱曲げブリキ。ハイトゲージ、金切りバサミ、曲げ台、拍子木、かたな刃、スポット溶接 21:49


Night, K brought us an aji fish. 23:10

Dより電話。アルミの脚立を修理してくれる業者を溶接の先生に聞いて欲しいとのこと。 23:09

隣り村にいい家があると聞いたので見に行きたいとSが言うので、その前に裏山の原っぱを見ていこうと言って、4人で見に行った。S「フェスができるじゃん」。昨日Tさんと来たときに見つけた井戸も見せた。その後、ガソリン残量を気にしながら隣村へ。無事給油してから移住支援センターの方に家を二軒案内して頂いた。二軒目は、北側の斜面で日当たりが良くて、立派な庭と池があって、畑も広くて、茅葺き(トタンは被せてある)で、風呂は薪/ガスどちらも使えて、土間が合ってかまどがあって、素晴らしかった。 23:08

Breakfast w/ t-san. I then went to issei house and he drove me to the forest in a mountain so I can get some logs for the stove. In the forest a guy who sells chinese tea was working to make the place a place for people to relax. 鎮守の森を憩いの場に。 He and issei helped me cut the tree trunk into logs and carried those into the car. 森は急斜面でそこに砂利を敷いて平らなところが作ってあったり、丸太と砂利で階段が作ってあったり、チェーンソーで板状に挽いた杉と竹で作った橋が架けてあったり、半割の丸太と丸太でできた小屋に屋根が杉皮で葺いてあったりして、楽園のような所だった。焚き火が東屋の竹の屋根の下で燃えていて、お茶の人が大きな薬缶に沸いたお湯を柄杓で小さな急須に汲んで、淹れた黒烏龍茶を猪口のような小さい茶碗に注いでくれた。一口で飲み干すとまた注いでくれる。十煎以上少しづつ味が変わるのを立て続けに飲んでいく。お茶をしていたら森の持ち主のおじいさんが桜の杖を突いてどこからともなく現れて、カップラーメンと月桂冠(日本酒)を薦めてくれた。あとから息子さんも来て、5人でてこやころを使って石の手水盆?を動かした。お茶の人がおじいさんの家の畑に案内してくれて、立派な大根3本と巨大な白菜を一つ頂いて帰ってきた。丸太を家で手斧で割りながら。森でお茶の人が斧より楔とハンマーで割るほうが楽だよと教えてくれたのを思い出した。 23:02


チャボの小屋を掃除した。卵を産むところを作った。 21:29


Tさんが自転車で来てくれて、山の原っぱを見に行った。渋柿の木があって、その場で竹と蔓で作ったバリバサミで全部取って持って帰ってきた。夜、小豆の原種のヤブツルアズキを煮てくれて、初めて食べた。滋味深く、美味しい。 21:29

Benoit has been offering me a job opportunity in January to build a new speaker sculpture. He said I need to get vaccinated. I researched about the Austrian border policy and found that PCR is sufficient. Benoit emailed me that the producer won't allow for non-vaccinated. I don't know if I'm making a wise decision not to get the new vaccine or I'm just being lazy. I think I wanted more discussion. 14:14


I've read the house contract and found that it is setup to renew automatically. phew. TODO: email, tel 13:56

12/10 Drank in tanigawa w/ migrant fathers. 13:46

12/9 Daifuku fam stayed in our house. Sea, sky and akari were playing excitedly. 13:42




12/5 Issei came to our house with daughters. We baked cookies and 4 girls made slimes. Issei shared with us his encounter with aliens and UFOs. One day he met a man who says 'I'm an alien'. The alien invited Issei for lunch. The alien said he is vegan and he makes gestures on the food served in order to up the vibration. Then they went outside. The alien points his finger at the sky and told issei to look abd he range light moving about. Then the alien points to a different spot in the sky where there was another strange point of light moving strangely. He had no choice but to believe in what the alien was claiming. At night Kta gave me a call. His neighbor caught a lot of tsubasu fish and I can come and get some. I went to Kta house after dinner and dissected two fish with Kta's help and brought those home. 21:24

12/4 モノの循環市 in wakimachi. We met a guy who is going to import and sell copper water bottle from india. He says copper make the water alkaline and tasty --> kuboniy on instagram. Went to daifuku house for wild hog hot pot. super oisii. 20:51

12/1 消防点検。消防車の中で近所の父ちゃんが急に僕に向かって宇宙人に合ったことがあるとかオーラが見えるとかスプーン曲げができるとか話してくれた。帰り道に家の前まで付いて行って、スプーン曲げをみせてもらった。たしかに結構硬いスプーンをクニャクニャ曲げている。 20:47


MUSIC: ggijs 09:37

11/30 Sunny->Rainy Sea at school. Coco goes to glass bead workshop. I drove her to the train station near the library. I took sky to the music play at Komiko. Sky was tired from hard play last night. I spoke to nabe-chan. I want to live near this beach. We picked up coco at the central station and head home. We bought coffee beans, pizza, and sake in a deep-blue bottole on the way. Sea came home. She told coco no playing outside today. I decided tomove the wooden slide I made downstairs. It was a hard work but I did it. I prepared cookie dough because we are going to use the oven for pizza. We baked pizza then cookies. The dinner was left over soup from yesterday, pizza, and cookies. Sky contracted a fever and went to futon early. Sky and I painted the slide together. Then we drew sketches of birds before going to futon. 09:26

11/29 Invited local friends over for okonomiyaki. Beans soup, okara nuggets, negi-yaki, tsukemono, kimchi, etc. Tera-chan brought us a bunchi of fat negi and purple yams. yokose fam, sasaki fam, and tera-chan. Laughter and excitement. 09:23
