A few weeks ago, Ken-ichi sent me a Cassiopeia A-61 he scored on yahoo auction. I bought an RS-232 DB-9 to usb converter off amazon to connect the Cassiopeia to a computer. I downloaded the pocket tera-term and copied it to SD, SD to CF using sig3, then to Cassiopeia. The Cassiopeia managed to connect to the terminal on Thinkpad running getty via the serial cable. 23:04
Kenta called. He wants his bass guitar back and was going to come after work for pickup. The reason the guitar was in my house is I need it to fix his amp electronics. So I hurried to fix the amp board. The amp produce a lot of noise and wont pickup no signal. I feared the problem may be the big filter cap or the heavy trance because kenta mentioned it was left in a humid environment. Maybe those things are bad but I found that the noise can be dramatically reduced if the input jack is grounded to the case. So I call it the fix. At the end of the day Kenta didn't show up. He is coming tomorrow. 22:56
TODO: put up 100W solar panel. 22:49
Replaced the solar battery charge controller after noticing that the 5Ah battery was over charging and it was expanding and getting hot. The new controller I think have over-charging protection + over discharge protection. 22:48
I tried to resurrect Oda-kun's Toshiba laptop and run it on solar power. Solar part worked but the machine refused to boot the linux live usb. It used to work before... 22:45
Cleaned the oshiire in the living room. I assigned a big box for tools and materials. 22:43