7/14 Hikaru came for help with Digital Fusuma Karakuri. It will be on exhibit 7/23 - 7/31 in Awagin Hall. DFK needed to be modded for unmanned operation. Hikaru made a nice icon indicating the audience to hit the clappers (2 planks of wood hit each other to produce loud high clapping sounds). He also assisted me by typing what I said. Takeshi showed up later and discussed schedule, etc. 09:45
4 of us went to Jintsu waterfall I found some jelly-like transcluent mushroom growing on a fallen tree over the river. The stem part was completely transparent like water and tasted nothing. The texture was exactly like jello. 22:28
7/7 In the evening H, N, M, and I gathered in H's house for my programming mentorship. We took a glance at masaka's excellent website about HTML basics (ごく簡単なHTMLの説明). Things we talked about
How WWW and hyper-texts were born.
Very brief history of computers leading upto the NextStep.
Classes of computer languages i.e. Turing completeness.
Alan Turing and the Turing machine
Various computer languages (HTML, CSS, SQL, Regex)
Why there are thousands of Turing complete programming languages.
The vastness and the chaos of the sea of computer programming and how to navigate in it.
A few days ago I put the mosquito mesh on the window and the door in the garage. I also put the fan on the window. The garage is now a comfortable place to work at night. 22:31