2023-02 | NORIFIX diary




2/18 Yoshiharu Sekino the explorer who traversed the great journery of mankind came to town. I went to listen to him talk. The short video clips shown was stunning and I decided to watch his youtube series "The Great Journey Once Again". 23:28

Smoked the hanging deer legs. Scraped the meat and fat off the fur. Rubbed brain into the skin and hang it to stretch by gravity. 23:28



Butchered the deer in the morning. Afternoon, drove to a shop to buy salt, then at a small hardware store bought a knife and a bamboo splitter. Evening, spoke to crane, then sloth. Ate the deer for dinner. Night taka drove ken to our house. Spoke w taka briefly. Late night, spoke with ken about the evil force lurking in governments and rich people and the ways for us to overturn the system. 01:18


I hope the deer wake up in my body 23:14

let go of the continuity of consciousness. wake up in this body in this age suddenly at each moment. die and be born every second. let go of control over the body and let any soul in to experience the accumulation of thoughts and physical sensations. 23:13

sea went to kindergarden with me today. maya drove us home. then sea and I played badminton. hen tsuru called and says a deer got caught by her neighbor and he is looking for somebody who can dissect. I went up the mountain and helped the live deer down the mountain side and hang it upside down. Then the man stabbed the heart of the deer. within 3 seconds the eyes lost its blackness. Then the deer lifet her head and 'coughed' blood out the heart. We got the guts out and left it hanging Tomorrow morning I will come and do the rest of dissection 23:05

4th day at kindergarden this week. I spoke with kids at lunch who do you think a cool person is? Maya shared with us her son's soccer team has a boy who, when someone makes a mistake, says it's ok no problem lets carry on. She thinks that boy is so cool. I explained to kids when you make a mistake and someone points it out, overwhealming sadness comes but if someone says it's ok everybody e happy. 22:54

2/16 met c at a mall. I offered to help her make a presentation for elementary school kids about international effort to make education available to kids in countries with systemic povety 22:40


LINK: 土壁ネットワーク 土壁の作り方 11:28

ordered 6 12V LED bulbs 11:25

Drew a stylezed schematic for the bicycle motor 11:01


白隠和尚の本を読んだ。夜船閑話。内観の秘宝:上半身を空しくして、丹田、腰、脚、足心に住まう。考案:隻手の音声。軟酥の法:頭に乗せた仙薬が体温で溶けて、たらりたらりと全身そして内臓に滴り染み渡っていく様子を何度も思い描く。 10:57

計画: 荒土壁を塗り、電灯のソーラー電化を進める。体の声を聴き、無理はしない。 10:51

阿波の襖絵は、花鳥画、山水画、風景画、浮世絵などが入り混じったもの。花鳥画について調べていたら、『牡丹に唐獅子、竹に虎』という法話を見つけた。 http://www.rinnou.net/cont_04/rengo/2003-10.html 10:49

2/9 デジタル阿波唐紙DVD作成 in 上分。MacのDVDバーナはオープンソースのBurnが良い。道具返しの音を探すため、県内各所の農村舞台の映像を見る。徳善では実況があり、良いと思った。夜、桜野舞台での春の公演の準備について打ち合わせ。暖かい家だった10:42


Mid January. The development of the used-car-lease company's website finished. It took nearly 3 month on and off. 12:23

1/30 Dissected another deer with Issei and Takayo. This time a smaller female. 12:21

Mid January. Sea said she is worried about the friends in 保育所 and wants to go there again. I talked to 所長, 健康福祉課 and ねっこぼっこ. They were helpful. Sea starts going to 保育所 starting Feb 1. 12:20

1/8 Jeff sent me a message. He's going through rehab. 12:18

1/17 朝、鹿の食害対策のために鹿を獲っている猟師さんから連絡があり、雄鹿を一頭引き取らないかと。その日はねっこぼっこで餅つきがある日だったが、引き取る人がいないとただ山に棄てられてしまうので、それよりは皆で美味しく頂きたいと思って、夕方に引き取りに行くことにした。餅つきは楽しかった。その後フィールドで斜面に枯れススキを敷いて、木の板でスキーをした。夕方、原付で山へ向かい、猟師さんと軽トラに鹿を積み込み、うちの近くの川のそばまで運び、解体。詳しくは別に文章を書いてあるのでいつか出そう。 12:17