vital info: rule number 6, elephant in the heart, ubiquitous love, reiki, listening to the body, wimm hoff (?) breathing and cold shower, shizen-nou, subsurface environment, hakuin. 21:32
3/17 Went to toridori-no-mori 21:21
3/16 assembled the e-bike kit onto the dissected rear half of a minivelo. 21:20
3/19 Satoco's yoga students came with their kids. I played with the kids while their mothers do yoga upstairs. Outside was bright and warm. In the afternoon we went to yamashita udon then to satoyama-daichi. I spent time in the forest with ken and takayo cutting bamboos. In the forest my pollen allergy faded and it was so easy to breathe. Ken told me about applying a small patch of shippu to the middle section of the pinky finger reduces the simptom. I try it tonight. 21:19
3/18 Sea, sky, and I baked cookies in the afternoon. We got on to the bus at 4:45 and went to onsen. Then we went to Iwamaru-san's house. Satoco joined. 2 girls staying in the house also joined. We ate oden and okonomiyaki togather and talked. It was a good time and I want to do this again soon. 21:12
yesterday I biked to yamashiro then to wanwan-ken ra-men. Biking for a long distance make my body too tired and the next morning it becomes difficult to wake up early. 12:45
Been waking up early for a few days. I jog for a few minutes. Then I improve the environment of the garden. Then I go to the farm and sow seeds and cut weeds. 12:44
3/14 Kakutei-shinkoku in yakuba. Harada-san helped me file the tax form. Satoco and I made approx 160-man yen and after deduction no taxable income remained which is good. 12:42

sky and sea went to hoikusho. Sato went out. I stayed home and did chores. Sato came home and we talked. I went out to Honda super cub repair shop and got insurance renewed, engine oil changed, changed the dead battery, the guy fixed the sloppy mirror and the windshield, too. Bought a tube for air filter. Then I went to a cafe by the river and calculated my annual income and expenses in preparation for the final tax return. Ate ramen on the way home. Got home late at 10PM. 03:18
3/1 4 of us went to the nearest cafe in the morning. I drew pictures of houses and people in 4 different countries. Sea copied my drawing and made it artistic. After coming home I continued drawing. Then sea and I went to the river and floated+paddled around on the boat. What a fun! Then at home we painted the drawings. I spoke w/ Satoco about our situ and plans. At night sky, sea and I played shogi. 03:11
2/27 N家で福岡産牡蠣をごちそうになる。 w/ sea. met tsuru, yu, takki, emi, and kids 03:04
2/24 麻雀。 met ban-chan, mayataro, take, satoru, daifuku, suu. 03:02
2/23 ねっこぼっこスタッフの集い in Y家. バンブーパークにきくらげを探しに行って見つけた後川に入った。スーパーでジャグリング。うどん作り、串揚げ。うまかった。子供たち大はしゃぎ。 03:01
2/26 takeshiの運転で川俣へ唐紙のDVDを持っていく。着いたらバラ寿司をごちそうになり、その後おばあちゃんたちと映像鑑賞。このとき映像ではなくソフトを使えばもっとよかった。帰りに芳さんを呼んで王将へ行った。 02:58