sun & rain cooler ... Water tanks are placed on the ground in wich the rain water falling on the roof is collected from the gutter. On hot sunny days the rain water will be pumped up and showered onto the roof. The water vaporize away taking heat with it. The water pump will be powered by the electricity generated by the solar cell. @2022-07-03 cravi-goto ... Modified taishogoto resembling the functionality of the travel cravichord. @2022-07-03 drag-free bike ... A garden hose is placed along the top tube of a horizontal frame road bike. The rear end curves up to target the area directly behind the rider's back. When the bike is speeding, the air continually get sucked in from the higher-pressure zone in front of the rider and spewed out to the low pressure zone bihind the rider eliminating the drag @2022-07-03 synchronized bike wheel motor ... A pair of coils are mounted in opposing position on the front fork, chain stay, or the seat stay. Neodimium magnets are fixed to the spokes on the wheel. One coil detects the polarity of the magnet approacing and signals the electromagnet driver to flip polarity of the other coil. When the magnets and coils are in perfect sync the setup will act like the string whipping the spinning top and help the wheel accelerate. @2022-07-03 bike office ... The best place to think is on the bike. @2022-07-03 rin-rin assistants ... I offer free programming lesson. The students in return assist me when I work with computers. The students will hopefully aqcuire enough skill to work on their own. @2022-07-03 rin-rin inventions co. ... invents vehicles, appliances, shelters, jobs, etc that are needed for the lives without a lot of money and waste. @2022-07-03 gyro bike ... a human powered autogyro mounted on a bike. @2022-07-03 solar rainwater distillation ... Rain water sall be eveporated and the vapors shall condense and collected to produce drinking water. Primitive filters with sand and charcoal offer limited reliability. Rain water is prefered over tap water since chroline may evaporate and condense with water. The collected drinking water shall be tested for pH, heavy metal ions, gut bacteria, etc. Boiling with solar cooker is also an option. @2022-07-09 草編み ... 多分既に実践している人が居ると思うが、思いついた。草を刈る代わりに、地面に編み込むことで、立ち上がらなくして、しかも他の草が生えてくることを抑制する効果が狙える。草丈30から50cm程度が編みやすい。まず草の根本を足で踏み、地面に伏せる。イネ科は放射状に伏せ、何本かに分けて編む。草を3束に分けてにぎり、三つ編みしていく。一編みごとに、地面の草を編み込むようにすると、かなり長く伸ばせる。効果を実証実験中。 @2022-09-22 Life Computer ... On a board, place an A4 paper in the center. Then on both left and right sides of the paper, place a pair of vertically halved A4 papers. Tape the papers to the board. On the paper in the middle, draw a map. Draw in to the map my house and pictures of the things I do in and around the house. Draw in places I visit and people I meet in there. Life logs and schedule can be written on the narrow papers on the sides in relation with the places. This way I can see with the birds eye my life at this moment and use the information to calculate the next step. @2022-09-22